Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I Bought The Farm!

Nope, I didn't die. And actually, no I didn't buy a farm. Part of me wishes I did, but another part of me knows that owning a farm means you work ALL THE DAMN TIME on your farm and it's hard to take vacations. Also, I like being able to walk to the grocery store, the library, the movie theatre, restaurants. Redmond may not be the epicenter of high culture, but at least I can get out and about!

What I DID do, was get my own website domain for this blog. So, please join me over at where I promise to blog regularly (because FUCKING A I PAID FOR THAT SHIT!) and keep you posted on My So Called Boring Life. Hahah!

Hope to see you all over there. And while you're there, give me your goddamn email address because if I have to go out and get a jobby job, I won't have time to dick around and write overly wordy blogs.


p.s, Here I am as a My Little Pony. I can't decide if this is a proud parenting moment or a personal failure. But it's very colorful and girly, so there ya go.

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